How to hide 'You may use these HTML tags and attributes' in WordPress

Let's find out how to hide "You may use these HTML tags and attributes..." and Website field in WordPress comment form using CSS.

You may use these HTML tags and attributes

First, please perform element inspection in Chrome or Internet Explorer to hide the section "You may use these HTML tags and attributes" (e.g. select "Inspect element" in the context menu which appears after clicking the right mouse button in Google Chrome).

element inspector
As shown above, the element we want to hide is the form-allowed-tags ID.
Please add the following CSS code snippet in the CSS style sheet file (stylesheet.css.)

/* To hide "You may use these HTML tags and attributes:" in WordPress comment form */
#form-allowed-tags {

Now, let's see how the comment form has been changed.
Hide You may use these HTML tags and attributes
As expected, the section "You may use these HTML tags and attributes:" disappears. (Accurately, it's hidden.)

Now, let's hide the Website field in the WordPress comment form. The same process applies: find out the element through element inspection and add "display:none" in the style sheet file. Can you find the element of the Website field? The following CSS code should hide the Website input field:

/* Hide the Website field in the WordPress comment form */
.comment-form-url {
display: none;

Lastly, let's reduce the font size of the section "Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *."

Reduce the font size of Your email address will not be published

The following CSS code snippet will reduce the font size and the text color:

/* For the formatting of the section "Your email address will not be published" in the WordPress comment form */
.comment-notes {
font-size: 0.7em;
color: #e1122a;

Here is the final comment form:
Final WordPress Comment Input Form