WordPress plugin to count post views - Post Hit Counter

If you use a plugin, it's easy to count and display post views in WordPress. It's also possible to count and display post views using a custom code.

Recently, I wanted to check the views of each post in the dashboard. I found a plugin titled Post Hit Counter which is simple but offers the features I needed.

WordPress Post Hit Counter plugin

Plugin features:

  • Easily visible hit counts in the dashboard (under Posts > All Posts) and in the admin bar on the frontend;
  • Shortcode to display view count for current or specific post;
  • Widget to display your most viewed posts anywhere on your site (such as sidebar);
  • Dashboard widget to show your most viewed posts at a glance;
  • Option to select which post types must be counted (For example, you can choose to count views only for single posts);
  • Option to select which user roles should not trigger the hit counter (For example, it's possible not to count hits for Administrator);

Under the plugin settings page, you can select which post types need to be counted and which user roles should not trigger the hit counter:

WordPress Post Hit Counter plugin - Settings

Post Views Counter, which is similar with Post Hit Counter, allows you to display how many times a post, page or custom post type had been viewed with this simple, fast and easy to use plugin.

If you want more complicated and sophisticated plugin, you might want to use WP Statistics, Slimstat Analytics or Visitors Traffic Real Time Statistics.