How to remove "Optimization WordPress Plugins & Solutions by W3 EDGE" in WordPress
Today, I noticed that the phrase "Optimization WordPress Plugins & Solutions by W3 EDGE" is placed at the bottom of my WordPress blog. I have never inserted it. I made some search in Google and found there are more than 800,000 results. According to an Enfold forum, there is an option to hide it in the W3 Total Cache plugin. However, it just said, "There is a setting on the W3Cache plugin, that does let you do that." Then, how to disable it?
I've check all options in the W3 Total Cache plugin and found that it can be removed from Performance > Dashboard.
Please go to "Performance > Dashboard" and then change the value for "Link" under "Spread The Word" section from "page footer" to "Select One", which will remove the phrase "Optimization WordPress Plugins ..."
If you select the option "Select One", a popup window opens saying "You are no longer linking to us. Please support us in other ways instead.".
W3 Total Cache which speeds up your WordPress blogs
Among many cache plugins, W3 Total Cache is one of the best cache plugins, which provides users to tune their WP sites with various options. It will help to improve the speed of your sites if you choose correct options.
WordPress themes with high speed
Many people use WordPress because it's possible to create professional-looking websites without coding knowledge with WordPress. If you choose a good theme which fits your needs, you can build a great site with ease. This will save your time and money. However, if you use premium themes such as AVDA and Enfold, you may sometimes realize that your websites are not so fast than expected. In this case, a cache plugin such as W3 Total Cache may be useful.
I, personally, prefer simple themes. I found the theme named "Simple Life" is very simple and speedy.
You can check this blog which uses this theme. This theme is fast and simple. According to the Pingdom Website Speed Test tool, the load time of the blog is about one second:
A free cache plugin and WPML, a Multilingual plugin, are installed on the test blog (Please see "WordPress Multilingual Plugin – WPML" for more information on WPML.) The blog uses iPage's Essential Plan as a webhosting service. You know, iPage is cheaper than Bluehost or other webhostings such as GoDaddy, but I think it's cost effective.