How To Disable YouTube Title Links From Embedded Videos

Google changed the YouTube Player API policy to stop the showinfo parameter. Now adding '&modestbranding=1' to your embed code does not work. Instead, you can disable YouTube title links from embedded videos by adding sandbox code.

How To Disable YouTube Title Links From Embedded Videos

How To Disable YouTube Title Links From Embedded Videos

I tried several methods to remove YouTube Titles links and YouTube watermark at the bottom of the embedded videos but did not work except the following code:

<div style="height:400px; width:400px; overflow: hidden;">
<iframe width="400px"    src=""   style="height:400px;  background:#000000; bottom: 60px; position: relative;"  
sandbox="allow-forms allow-scripts allow-pointer-lock allow-same-origin allow-top-navigation">

// Source:

In WordPress, you can a Custom HTML block to add HTML code snippets.

Add HTML code snippets in WordPress


The YouTube video title appears, but it's not clickable. And the YouTube watermark at the bottom of the embedded video has been removed.

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