How to change the time zone in Bluehost

You can change the server time to your local time by changing the time zone. In Bluehost, you can edit the PHP.ini file from cPanel (for Shared Hosting) or WHM (for VPS) to change the time zone.

How to change the time zone in Bluehost

To change the time zone in Bluehost VPS:

You need to log into WHM with root user to change the server timezone in Bluehost VPS. Then, go to Server Configuration > Server Time.

Change the time zone in Bluehost

Under the Configure Timezone section, please choose your timezone and click on the Change TimeZone button.

To ensure consistency, please reboot the server after changing the time zone.

If the time zone has not been changed after this change, you can edit the php.ini file by going to Software > MultiPHP INI Editor.

In the Editor Mode, change the value for 'date.timezone':

Edit PHP.ini in Bluehost

You can change it in the format date.timezone = "Asia/Seoul". Click on the Save button and the time zone will be changed as you specified.

The PHP 7.4 support has been added to Buehost VPS. You can change the PHP version to PHP 7.4 from WHM.

To change the time zone in Bluehost Shared Hosting:

You can change the time zone from cPanel if you have a Shared Hosting account.

Log into Bluehost and click "Advanced" on the left. Go to Software > MultiPHP INI Editor.

Bluehost Shared Hosting: change timezone

In the Editor Mode tab, select a location from the dropdown menu (①).

Bluehost: MultiPHP INI Editor

Add the following line:

date.timezone = "America/Denver";

Please use the appropriate option at


Sometimes, wrong date and time will be displayed in WordPress. In this case, you can contact your webhosting provider. Also, a WordPress plugin may be a culprit. First, disable all plugins to check whether the issue continues or not.

For your reference: if you sign up for Bluehost webhosting service by clicking the following banner or the links contained this post, you can use it starting from USD2.95/month (with 1 dollar off per month) and I will get some commission. However, I do not suggest Bluehost just for commission; I have been running and managing WordPress websites from several web hosting companies including SiteGround and Bluehost for more than 6 years. If you are looking for a cost-effective web hosting service, Bluehost's Shared Hosting will be a good option to consider.

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