Bluehost Black Friday Sale: Shared Hosting starting at $2.65/mo

Bluehost Black Friday Sale - up to 60% off

Bluehost, one of the largest website hosting providers and powers millions of websites, offers the lowest price of the year during the Black Friday season. You can sign up for the Shared Hosting starting at $2.65/mo* for 36 months. Also, Choice Plus Plan is available as low as at the price of $4.95/mo for 36 months.

Bluehost Black Friday Sale: Shared Hosting starting at $2.65/mo

If you are looking for a cost-effective web hosting service, Bluehost will be an option to consider.

Are you worry about migrating your site. You don't need to worry. Bluehost offers a free site migration that you can migrate your site without hassle.

If you sign up for Bluehost by clicking on a referral link included in this article, I will get some commission. However, I do not recommend a specific web-hosting service just for commission; I have been using Bluehost and Siteground for years. Even if the Black Friday sale is expired, you will be able to use Bluehost's web hosting service starting from as low as USD2.95/month (with 1USD off per month).

The blog is hosted on Bluehost's VPS server. Bluehost offers various plans: Shared Hosting, WordPress Hosting, VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting.

During the Black Friday and Cyber Monday period, some popular WordPress themes such as Avada, Jupiter, Newspaper, Divi are also sold at 20-50% off prices.

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